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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has licensed the Chemotargets CLARITY® platform for predicting unknown secondary targets for new molecules of pharmaceutical interest.

This contract is meant to directly address the FDA’s requirement for a computational method which can predict potential molecular targets from chemical structure and provide a user-friendly environment for analysis of results. Molecular targets identified with high confidence by CLARITY® may be evaluated by FDA/CDER for their association with adverse events, addiction liability, or their association with disease within the specified indication(s).

A previous collaboration with FDA/CDER focused on predicting on-target and off-target activities using known in vitro pharmacology data for small molecules and associating them with drug safety data coming from post-marketing spontaneous reports. A tangible outcome of the collaboration between FDA/CDER and Chemotargets has been the incorporation of CLARITY® as part of the FDA’s Public Health Assessment via Structural Evaluation (PHASE) initiative for assessing the abuse risk that new drugs could pose to public safety (Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 2019, 106, 116-122 and PLoS ONE 2020, 15, e0229646).