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Copyright and Legal Notice

Legal Notice

In line with the law 34/2002, of 11th July, our details are as follows:
Name: Chemotargets S.L.
Address: Carrer Doctor Aiguader 88, 08003-Barcelona
Registration: registered number ES B-64.175.300 , registered at Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 38833, Folio 130, Hoja B-33.7417 .


© 2023 Chemotargets S.L. All rights reserved. The Website of Chemotargets and the information contained and referenced therein are for informational purposes only. Any reproduction, retransmission or other use is strictly prohibited. Request for permission to reproduce any information and animations contained on this Website should be addressed to Chemotargets.


The following terms are registered trademarks of Chemotargets: Chemotargets CLARITY.

No Warranty and No Liability

Whilst Chemotargets has made great efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this Website and disclaim any liability for the use of this site. Chemotargets may change this site at any time without notice but does not assume any responsibility to update it. All users agree that all access and use of this Website and on any Website linked to from this site and the content thereof is at their own risk. Neither Chemotargets nor any other party involved in creating, producing or delivering this Website shall be liable in any manner whatsoever for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this Website, or any errors or omissions in the content thereof.

Forward-Looking Information

This page may contain forward-looking information. Such information is subject to a variety of significant uncertainties, including scientific, business, economic and financial factors, and therefore actual results may differ significantly from those presented.

Privacy Policy for Chemotargets S.L.

You have entered the website (the “Website”) of Chemotargets (the “Company”), a Spanish company with taxpayer identification number B-64.175.300.

The Privacy Policy set out below applies to all the services on this Website and also to any pages and services with which this Website may be extended in the future.

Using the Website makes you a user of the Website and means that you accept all of the conditions included in this Privacy Policy. The Website service is only provided for the time that you are connected to the Website or to any of the services made available on the Website. Therefore, you should read this Privacy Policy carefully each time you intend to use the Website, because changes may be made to both the Privacy Policy and its terms of use.

Visiting our Website does not imply any obligation to provide any type of information. Protecting your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Should you provide any personal information via the Website, the data collected via the Website will be used in the manner, for the purpose and subject to the restrictions and rights set forth in Personal Data Protection Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, 1999 (“LOPD”), and its implementing regulations, as well as any other applicable law, from time to time.

The contents of our Privacy Policy will help you to become familiar with the type of data we collect, what we do with such data, your rights and our obligations in relation to the Website users and to keeping that data out of reach of unauthorized third parties.

1. Data processing purpose

1.1 The Company uses a data processing and storage system in order to be able to resolve any incidents that may arise in relation to your opinions and questions. This filing system fulfills the statutory requirements laid down in the LOPD, and also the technical requirements set forth in Regulations 1720/2007, of December 21, 2007 implementing the LOPD (“RLOPD”), in order to safeguard the security of the data you provide.

1.2 Your data is stored with the main purpose of recording your query and being able to offer you a suitable response and also improve the services we offer.

2. User’s rights

You may exercise your access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights by sending an e letter to the Company at the abovementioned address or by e-mail at, in the terms set forth in the applicable law, providing proof of your identity in any case.

3. Limitation of liability

The Company will not be liable for the damage caused as a result of any technical failure in the services provided or products acquired caused by the nature of Internet systems or your device, including, inter alia, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, theft, fire, flooding or any other force majeure event that may affect the data.

4. Supplementary information

One way of collecting supplementary information on your visits to our Website, such as the most visited pages or the services that receive the most attention, is by registering your device’s IP address or protocol. This IP protocol is a number that it is automatically assigned to your device each time you browse. Any web page you access immediately detects the presence of your device via your IP address. When you access any of our pages, your IP address is stored automatically. The sole purpose of collecting this information is to prepare statistics on the visits to our Website which enables us to track how our service is working and improve it daily.

5. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

All aspects of this Privacy Policy are governed by Spanish law. Notwithstanding any rights you may be entitled in your conditions of consumer or user, you expressly waive the right to any other jurisdiction to which you may be entitled and agree to submit any dispute resulting from the existence, access, use or content of the website solely to the Courts of Barcelona.