Collecting and learning from the world’s biomedical data to advance drug discovery and development.
SafetySuite Products
Our SafetySuite of products offer state-of-the-art methods and analytics platforms build on highly curated and integrated data covering all drug discovery, preclinical, clinical and postmarketing phases.
Drug Discovery Services
We provide consultancy services on drug design, optimisation and repurposing. We are happy to take on difficult-to-treat targets.
Special emphasis is put on anticipating potential postmarketing safety issues based on early discovery and preclinical data.
Drug Development Pipeline
Chemotargets has established strategic alliances with top research institutions. The first two oncology targets have already entered our drug discovery pipeline.
We are also open to partnering and collaboration agreements.
Our Products
Our aim is to be able to serve all drug discovery and development personnel of an organisation, including medicinal chemists, safety pharmacologists, preclinical toxicologists, clinical investigators, and postmarketing surveillors.
The SafetySuite platform consists of a complete collection of data, signals and analytics products (SafetyOne, SafetySignals, SafetyStrata and SafetyVista) for exploring drug-safety and target-safety associations and for analysing safety signals.
Drug Discovery Services
Chemotargets can assist you in addressing mechanistic aspects of drug safety (Drug Safety Services), identifying new therapeutic opportunities for your or off-patent drugs (Repurposing Services), and design of novel bioactive small molecules for your protein target (Discovery Services).
Drug Discovery Pipeline
Chemotargets collaborates with leading institutions and hospitals to advance drug discovery and development of novel interventions. These projects operate as joint ventures in which Chemotargets owns a significant part of the results and associated intellectual property.